The organizer would like to thank all the competitors, spectators, sponsors and everyone who helped in any way with the the race. Thank you and see you again next year.
ObvestiloOrganizator tudi letos potrebuje več polnoletnih oseb za pomoč pri izvedbi dirke. Če ste ljubitelj dirk in ste pripravljeni pomagati pri izvedbi, nas kontaktirajte na Facebooku za več informacij. Veseli bomo vaše pomoči.
Road clouserBecause of the race the road G2-105 Novo mesto – Metlika between Dolnja Težka Voda and Veliki Cerovec will be closed on Saturday 8.6.2024 between 7.00 and 20.00 and on Sunday 9.6.2024 between 6.00 and 21.00.
Live stream of the GHD Gorjanci race!
As part of the cooperation between the motorsport association AŠSLO and the Croatian production team Shift TV this year's GHD Gorjanci race will also be available to watch live on the Shift TV Youtube channel.If you are unable to attend the race head over to their Youtube channel to watch the race